Now in our ninth year of operation, with satisfied clients worldwide, we have established ourselves as one of the leaders in business website and real estate website development. We are your personal experts in design, development, implementation, marketing and maintenance of commercial web sites. We have worked to stay on the cutting edge of website development technology as proven by our certifications.

Pournelle's Law States: "If you don't know what you are doing, make sure you deal with people who do." You are not just hiring a web development company you are hiring our many years of EXPERIENCE. Experience is priceless.

You are here right now because we put certain critical pieces (Search Engine Optimization) in place that "invited" you here, and we can do the same for your business. There are 3,770,000 (MILLION) website results returned for the search term Real Estate Websites" in Google yet you are now on our site because we came up near the top of those results, in fact we are in the top 10. If you like our site designs, the idea of actually getting leads from your website, and the functionality of our programming, we invite you to contact us.

Think of your website as an extension of yourself or your business that’s available to clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your site must start the buying process by capturing leads. You can not afford to just have information online that is nor interactive. How will you know who visited your site if you just give information without getting names's, email or phone numbers. We have developed an online Contact Management system that stores all leads for you to access and then to download in excel so you can populate your own offline contact management system. This is what a website should do for you.

Make your Website work for you. A website can be proactive or it can be there to give away information. We do NOT develop the latter type of Website as it would be a waste of your money.

Re-Data.com LLC has developed a completely new way of managing your content. The Re-Data Epiphany Web Site Management Modules is a system that supports rapid development and maintenance by your business. Our system has been in use for many different types of businesses such as Real Estate Offices, Auto Dealers, Gift Shops, Online Catalogs, City Sites etc.

Re-Data has a development strategy that incorporates future and scalable requirements through a modular development process. As new features and functionality become available, we are able to "snap" them into the existing programming engine and offer them to you at significant savings. The innovative use of technology behind our system makes it the most intuitive way to publish on the web. Our exclusive web management modules system allows users to publish professionally without HTML-knowledge. This makes Re-Data and their WMM your first choice for web development projects. From concept to design to implementation to achieving ROI we are here for you. We also handle the marketing and maintenance of commercial web sites.

Take a demonstration ride of the new Re-Data Website Content Management Module. Then see the results in real time Please give us a call at 866-469-4697 toll free to schedule a live walk though. Most likely we can schedule immediately or within 60 minutes... 6 days a week. M-S 08:00 A.M...- 6:00 P.M. EST.

All of the Re-Data Web Management Modules tools are included at NO extra cost. The technology behind the system is all proprietary and is compliant with industry best practices for database configuration and programming.

Good Design = Good Business. Compare…go to our design gallery and dare to compare with your current site! But most of all compare the functionality of your site to what we have to offer.

We above all else, design our web sites so that they focus on usability. This means web sites that are easy to use easy to navigate and that help the user to find information and products quickly. As the web moves away from being the "cool new toy" to a tool for information and research, web design must change with it. Web design must support content, not overwhelm it with obscene flash movies that take forever to see. One of the most irritateing thing to do to your visitors is to force them to listen to music. Most of the time it scares a visitor when they are browsing the web for information and then a blasting obscene noise emits form their PC. It is the number 2 reason for making customers leave your site after the infamous Flash Splash pages. These splash pages are worthless and keep your content another click away for the end user. There is no redeeming value expect of entertainment and a real estate site is a business site NOT MTV. Don't understand? Call us. 1-866-469-4697 TOLL FREE Or go to www.useit.com

Therefore, web design must be done with restraint. Visual toys such as animation and sound must be used only when the content or product warrants it, not simply as useless decoration. Your site's design must also help users browse you site and take it in. One way to achieve this goal is by carefully organizing a "design hierarchy" for your site, breaking down each page into concise sections and arranging them in order of importance, so that users can find what they want more easily. Consistent nomenclature and iconography are equally as important.

Training is part of the Re-Data all inclusive pricing. This includes Free phone support during normal business hours and FREE email support 24/7.

But in order for this to happen, your site must meet the many challenges presented by the Internet. It needs to be well designed and appealing to the eye. Images must be clear and attractively presented. Above all, because website pictures load before text, they must load quickly or your customer is gone! Site design must be consistent!

In the 1800s, almost anyone could become a physician— There were no licensing requirements to become a physician. The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded in 1847 to help define such minimum standards. You now have BrainBench and its ISO certifications to validate the skills of your web designers and programmers.

Re-Data has been developing websites full time since 1995. We are proud of our certifications which set us above the rest. Experience the difference.

Certification Helps Eliminate Incompetence
The Public Wants and needs Certified Professionals
Who Benefits? You the client!