"In the Internet age there's no greater risk than being left behind! "

The fact is that being online is as common as making a telephone call.

A new person is getting online every 1.6 seconds 24 hours a day,
seven days a week - that's almost 70,000 new people online each and every day.

Most real estate transactions now initiate with the web, according to Realtor™ magazine.

According to the NAR, almost 90% of Realtors have online listings and/or a personal web site. Yet only 4% reported doing any significant business from their investment. "This isn't a big number," said Dr. David Lereah, NAR's chief economist. Are you part of the 4% or the 96%?

A Coincidence? It also seems that only 4-5% of websites are professionally developed. Just having a web presence doesn't get business! It must reek of professionalism.

Internet web pages are the most cost effective means to advertise. Instantly you can change and update your site with our exclusive Epiphany Web Site Management Modules .

All of which adds up to this: if your company plans on being competitive and staying in business, you'd better get on board. But where do you start? How much of a web presence does your business really need? How do you publish it and advertise it? How do you maintain it? And what the heck is all this http://www stuff anyway? Whether you already know the answers to these questions or not, we can help.